
Monday Feb 05, 2018
The Art of Flourishing: Finding Inner Balance in a Chaotic World
Monday Feb 05, 2018
Monday Feb 05, 2018
It is the blending of knowledge that makes us better, stronger, and hopefully wiser, as people, and as a species. In this episode, we are speaking with an expert about how to work with the mind and body in the most holistic way possible. For decades, he has been marrying the best practices from around the world for astonishing results, particularly Western Psychotherapy and Eastern philosophies and practices such as meditation. He has written numerous books and is one of the most renowned scholars on the topic of how to live well and cultivate happiness as a state of being. Let's take a look at what he has to say...
Dr. Jeffrey Rubin, Author, The Art of Flourishing: A Guide to Mindfulness, Love and Self-Care in a Chaotic World, Westchester, NY

Monday Nov 27, 2017
Avocados: Making Production Equitable and Environmentally Sound
Monday Nov 27, 2017
Monday Nov 27, 2017
Agriculture and food are our most direct and daily connection to the natural world. And the health of our environment directly impacts our own health and well-being, it is imperative that we continue to explore and push the boundaries of overall sustainable production. How can we produce food in a way that is fair, socially just, beneficial for communities, and also environmentally sound, all at the same time? We are speaking with an expert today on the equitable production of produce – in this case, about Avocados.
Nicole Vitello, President, Equal Exchange Produce, West Bridgewater, MA

Monday Aug 28, 2017
Late Summer Produce: An Update from the Fields
Monday Aug 28, 2017
Monday Aug 28, 2017
As we are heading into September, the late summer sun gently touching our agricultural lands, we are once again in a transition. From summer bounty to fall, as the seasonal preparation for winter, a last push of life before the months of darkness and hibernation and recovery. Time for us get An Update from the Fields! What produce is leaving us and what is coming in, how does it need to be handled and stored, what are the prices we need to expect, and why? An entire episode to expand our understanding of agriculture, organic agriculture that is, and the reality of a farmer’s life. Host Helge Hellberg in an organic conversation with some of his dear friends in this work of advocating for and creating a more sustainable, healthier world, a more conscientious way of living this life in our attempt to be better, more responsible stewards of this beautiful planet that surely can use a bit more love these days, and always.
Earl Herrick, Founder & Owner, Earl's Organic Produce, San Francisco, CA

Monday Aug 21, 2017
Personal and Professional Growth: The Commitment to Your Best Self
Monday Aug 21, 2017
Monday Aug 21, 2017
Today’s episode is all about the human potential. How can we expand from our childhood, what is possible for us as an adult? How can we create a happy and truly fulfilling life for ourselves? How can we become the fully realized authority of all of our decisions – the best version of ourselves? Today’s show is all about cultivating awareness and changing our reaction and behavior for a more aligned, successful, and happy life.
Mark diTargiani, Executive Coach, Better Leaders

Monday Jul 17, 2017
Organic Agriculture: Honoring Life, Land and Community
Monday Jul 17, 2017
Monday Jul 17, 2017
Three women who have made organic food their career show us that sustainable food production and healthy agricultural practices have a tremendous impact on everything that food touches. Starting on the land with the farmer, these practices positively affect just about everything along the journey, ultimately reaching the end consumer. Us. In this episode, we celebrate the notion that life creates life, with Helge Hellberg.

Monday Jul 03, 2017
Children and Nature: A Crucial Connection
Monday Jul 03, 2017
Monday Jul 03, 2017
American children spend four to seven minutes a day playing outdoors—that is 90 percent less time than their parents did. There is a significant physical, emotional, and mental price to pay for having such little exposure to Nature and unstructured playtime. What is at stake, how to bring Nature back into all of our lives, and specifically, How to Raise a Wild Child – that’s our topic in this hour of An Organic Conversation.

Monday May 29, 2017
Island Wisdom: Lessons from Hawaiian Culture
Monday May 29, 2017
Monday May 29, 2017
There is a deep reverence and respect for the Elements of Water, Sky, and Earth, Sun and Moon that we’ll find when we engage with cultures that have developed in the middle of the ocean, away from the speed of mainland societies. Hawaiian philosophy does not consider the physical and non-physical aspects of the world to be separate, therefore, to heal one aspect, all must be healed. Hear from an Hawaiian elder about key lessons in life - how to be of service, honor your family, and always practice kindness.

Monday Apr 24, 2017
Spring into Action: Detoxify Your Life
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Monday Apr 24, 2017
It’s April, which means Earth Day month, happy temperatures, spring blossoms, and fresh veggies. The bunnies are out, and so should we! This is a time to get a healthy dose of Nature back into our lives, get moving, and help your body transition from Winter to spring and summer. The best way to do that is to detoxify from the sluggish, dark, inward months behind us! So today, we are creating that sense of health and abundance and vibrancy, for all of us, by learning about all the things to consider when we do a mental and physical inner spring cleaning! Happy Earth Day everyone!!
Amie Valpone, Author, Eating Clean: The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation and Reset Your Body, New York, NY

Monday Mar 13, 2017
Equal Exchange: Environmental and Social Justice in Food Production
Monday Mar 13, 2017
Monday Mar 13, 2017
Luckily we have a solid foundation when we want to choose healthier food, grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, and produced without thousands of potentially harmful ingredients and additives such as colorings, preservatives, flavor enhancers, or gmo’s, that are allowed in non-organic foods. The "organic" label is a federally regulated standard, focused on the healthy production of food. What organic does not address, however, are social equality, farm worker pay, or fair trade. For these aspects of food production, we are reliant on additional third-party certification agencies and organizations that have made social and environmental justice in food production their main focus. Today we have one of the leading associations with exactly this focus as a guest on our show – Equal Exchange.
Nicole Vitello, President Oke USA/Equal Exchange Bananas, Equal Exchange, West Bridgewater, MA

Monday Mar 06, 2017
Organic Produce: Health Benefits, Tips, and a Review of the Season
Monday Mar 06, 2017
Monday Mar 06, 2017
The weather is on everyone’s mind. Record rainfall ending a 7-year drought in most places throughout California has had a significant impact on our food production. California feeds this country, or much of it, at least, and produce is in high demand, short supply, possibly water-logged, or otherwise affected by the rain. What does this all mean to us, the end consumer. How do we navigate this time of transition into spring, from knowing how to choose the right organic fruits and vegetables, to home storage, and how to best manage possibly high prices - it's time to bring in the expert!
Earl Herrick, Founder & Owner, Earl's Organic Produce, San Francisco, CA