
Monday Jun 06, 2016
An Apology to Elephants: Restoring Honor to Nature's Gentlest Giants
Monday Jun 06, 2016
Monday Jun 06, 2016
"If you want to teach people about the nature of being human, you don't take them to a prison; you take them to a park where they can see families and people being free. If you want to teach people about the nature of elephants, you don't take them to a circus." A passionate documentary about man's relationship to elephants is inspiring a movement to release our world's largest land mammal from grueling entertainment and save multiple species in the process. Tune in this week for our interview with HBO's filmmaker and a renowned expert on elephant captivity.

Monday Apr 25, 2016
Prison Gardens: Growing Hope by Growing Life
Monday Apr 25, 2016
Monday Apr 25, 2016
A small garden plot within the concrete walls of a maximum security prison does more than just engage prisoners; it improves behavior and reduces reincarceration. Hear data and feedback from a national nonprofit whose gardening and permaculture programs promote responsibility, opportunity, and motivation.

Monday Apr 18, 2016
Earth Island Institute: Every Day is Earth Day
Monday Apr 18, 2016
Monday Apr 18, 2016

Monday Apr 11, 2016
Legends of Organic: The Role of Mentorship in the Organic Food Movement
Monday Apr 11, 2016
Monday Apr 11, 2016
Movements are most often formed by a handful of people declaring the end of the current status quo and embracing a new way of relating that is both healthier and more just. That’s how the organic food movement had its re-emergence in the early 1970’s.

Monday Apr 04, 2016
Zero Waste Living: Practical Tips for Every Day
Monday Apr 04, 2016
Monday Apr 04, 2016
15% of the cost is in the packaging. So what do you gain by striving for a Zero Waste lifestyle? A cleaner home, a healthier planet, deeper relationships, and up to 40% more money in your wallet. What are you waiting for? It takes less time than you think...

Monday Mar 21, 2016
The Vegetable Garden: Tips for a Bountiful Season
Monday Mar 21, 2016
Monday Mar 21, 2016
It's here again: this year's gardening season! Time to think about forming beds, ordering seeds, blocking a weekend to get your hands dirty, and enjoying the benefits of homegrown food - all while saving money.

Monday Mar 14, 2016
Alive Inside: Music to Remember
Monday Mar 14, 2016
Monday Mar 14, 2016
A new documentary shows the powerful effect music has on patients with Alzheimer's disease. By demonstrating how melody returns people to long lost memories, we explore the question, "can music make you come alive again?"

Monday Feb 29, 2016
The Old Farmer's Almanac: Guiding Us for Centuries
Monday Feb 29, 2016
Monday Feb 29, 2016
Just how relevant is a periodical that's been in print for 225 years - from a time in which our society was deeply connected to the land? With a blend of wisdom from nature and wit from mankind, you'll be surprised by the practicality and entertainment value of this annual publication with tide tables to know the movement of water, sunrise, moon cycles, and planting charts for the organic farmer and gardener alike, recipes for those who live in the kitchen, and forecasts for those who don’t like the question of weather left up in the air.

Monday Feb 22, 2016
Painted Nails: The Dirty Side of Pretty
Monday Feb 22, 2016
Monday Feb 22, 2016
Join us on the journey of two filmmakers who set out to make a movie about culture and unearthed surprising details about the dangerous conditions inside nail salons, unflinching gratitude in the face of unfair circumstances, and the transformative power of a courageous spirit.

Monday Feb 15, 2016
Digestive Wellness: What's Next in Nutrition
Monday Feb 15, 2016
Monday Feb 15, 2016
Holistic nutrition says that overall health relies on the gut and we cannot absorb what we cannot digest. Despite our best efforts to fill our bodies with nutrient-rich fresh foods, we will not reap the benefits if we do not focus on our digestive health. Learn about the root causes of IBS, how to get the most nutrition out of your food and the truth behind the statement, "you are what you eat.”