
Monday Oct 31, 2016
The Brower Youth Awards: A New Generation of Change
Monday Oct 31, 2016
Monday Oct 31, 2016
We commonly say that we have inherited this world from our fathers and grandfathers. But another way to look at our responsibility for this planet in this lifetime is that we are borrowing our world from our children. Today we are hearing about an initiative that promotes and celebrates the next generation for their genius ideas and sustainable solutions to save the world.

Monday Oct 24, 2016
The Function of Food: From Performance to Good Sleep
Monday Oct 24, 2016
Monday Oct 24, 2016
Beyond diets and health benefits, food has a specific function. It can make us sleepy, or wake us up. It can make us fast or enduring. It can make us focused, or calm. It can make us feel warm, or cold, it can make us feel great, or awful. The better we know how food acts in our bodies the more it can positively influence our lives. How can we learn what to pay attention to? Today we are starting that conversation.

Monday Oct 17, 2016
The 2016 Presidential Election: Voting for the Environment
Monday Oct 17, 2016
Monday Oct 17, 2016
In this presidential election, we have heard nearly nothing close to a real conversation on the concern for the environment. From energy to climate change, how do all four candidates hold environmental responsibility and what are their platforms for environmental leadership? We'll find out today!

Monday Sep 26, 2016
Silent Spring: The Legacy of Rachel Carson
Monday Sep 26, 2016
Monday Sep 26, 2016

Monday Sep 12, 2016
Nutrition for Children: Starting them Off Right
Monday Sep 12, 2016
Monday Sep 12, 2016

Monday Sep 05, 2016
Strong Bones: Optimal Food for Skeletal Health
Monday Sep 05, 2016
Monday Sep 05, 2016
Food is thy medicine, again today. Osteoporosis, or loss of bone density, is one of the leading causes of death in the United States and many other Western Societies. The common answer to bone loss is usually Calcium. While Calcium has an important role in our overall bone health, there is much more to the story. In this hour, we are speaking with a physician about how to prepare and combine whole foods to prevent and treat Osteoporosis naturally.

Monday Aug 01, 2016
Good Health Starts from Within: The Stash Plan
Monday Aug 01, 2016
Monday Aug 01, 2016

Monday Jul 18, 2016
The Epicenter of the Organic Movement: Marin County
Monday Jul 18, 2016
Monday Jul 18, 2016
There is a small county just north of the Golden Gate Bridge in the San Francisco Bay Area that has shaped the organic food and agriculture movement throughout the country – if not the world – forever. As the nation's only all-organic county, Marin sets an example for the future of organic farming and the evolution of the industry. How did this happen and what can be learned from this model? Listen to one of the true leaders of the organic movement, Warren Weber, owner of Star Route Farms.

Monday Jun 20, 2016
Pawpaw: America's Forgotten Fruit
Monday Jun 20, 2016
Monday Jun 20, 2016
How could a tropical fruit native to North American soil go under the radar for generations? Such is the story of Pawpaw - and many other plant species nearly forgotten by US agriculture. Find out what made these fruits so special to Native Americans and early settlers and what is being done today to revive the existence of indigenous nutritious foods throughout our country.

Monday Jun 13, 2016
GMO Labeling: Consumer's Right to Know
Monday Jun 13, 2016
Monday Jun 13, 2016